The UN Multi-country Study on Men and Violence in Asia and the Pacific
Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Papau New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Vietnam
Partners for Prevention-on behalf of UNDP, UNFPA, UN Women and UNV-coordinated the UN Multi-country Study on Men and Violence in Asia and the Pacific to generate knowledge on how masculinities relate to men's perceptions and perpetration of gender-based violence, in order to prevent violence.
The P4P programme closed in March 2018. The national and pooled regional data sets are an asset to the field. P4P and SVRI are committed to ensuring that the data is used to build knowledge on ending violence against women and girls. To ensure this resource is fully utilised, the SVRI <> agreed to take over the management of the data set. The SVRI welcomes applications from qualified researchers to access the data set for secondary analysis with the appropriate ethical considerations.
Refer to the Request for Proposals <> for more information on the data set and selection criteria. Applications can be submitted by sending a completed Application Form <>
to <>.
Producers and sponsors
Primary investigators
Partners for Prevention
UN Women
Sampling Procedure
The study methodology included:
· quantitative household surveys to understand the scale and scope of violence perpetration and the factors associated with this violence;
· qualitative life history interviews with more than 100 men who were known to have used violence and those who did not to explore how influences and experiences across a life span shape dominant and alternative masculinities; and
· gender politics of policy research to explore institutional factors and structural conditions which enable gender-based violence.
The UN Multi-country Study on Men and Violence in Asia and the Pacific was a collaborative effort involving partners from academia, research institutes, civil society, UN agencies and governments.